Rotation Invariant Technique for Sign Language Recognition


  • Mohamed T. Dardoh Al-Obaidi Technical College of Management, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ali M. Sahan Technical College of Management, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ali S. Al-Itbi Faculty of Information Science & Technology, National University of Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia



Sign language, Contourlet Transform, Deep Learning, Rotation


Sign language recognition is an assistive technology that has garnered significant attention from researchers, particularly with respect to its potential benefits for individuals with hearing impairments. This paper proposes an effective technique for sign language recognition based on the Contourlet Transform (CT) and deep learning. The CT is employed in the pre-processing stage to reduce complexity and processing time, while deep learning is utilized to extract and classify sign language features. The proposed method was evaluated using two sign language databases: a direct feed database and an American sign language database. The experimental analysis demonstrated that the proposed method gives good results in processing time by more than 70% while maintaining high accuracy


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How to Cite

Al-Obaidi, M. T. D., Sahan , A. M., & Al-Itbi , A. S. (2024). Rotation Invariant Technique for Sign Language Recognition. InfoTech Spectrum: Iraqi Journal of Data Science , 1(1), 16–26.



Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence